Saturday, August 18, 2007
Mayor Requests Evaluation Of Retention Pond
During a meeting of the Lawrenceburg Board of Mayor and Commissioners Thursday, Mayor Keith Durham requested that an evaluation be made of one portion of the city’s multi-million dollar flood control system.
Durham pointed out to board members during their August 16 meeting that the water retention pond situated adjacent to Tennessee Enterprise Center (the former Murray Ohio, Inc. building) tends to hold water for extensive lengths of time. The purpose of the pond is to provide a holding place for storm water runoff to accumulate. The water is then slowly funneled from there, into Crowson Creek. The pond was designed to empty completely, without holding water in the bottom. “It really creates an eyesore,” Durham pointed out.”
Durham requested that Acting City Administrator Ken Hinson have the elevation levels at the pond recalculated, to ensure that they are where they need to be.
Hinson indicated he would make sure that the levels are checked, then report back to the commission.